Monthly Archives: January 2014

Sorry for the quiet..

….but i’ve been caught up in wedding plans. DX  Let me clue you in for those who don’t know: weddings are expensive.  I helped a friend plan theirs like, 4 years ago and prices since then have almost doubled in my area.  Its scary.  And i know everyone says, ‘make it simple’ and ‘keep the guest list small’– but the thing is i AM and it’s still expensive.  Too expensive.  I keep having dreams that my engagement party suddenly becomes my wedding because ‘oh look everyone is here!’  A then there’s the nightmare where the bridesmaids corsets all get into a fight and start bleeding satin red ribbons. O.o;


Needless to say, i haven’t been writing much–none, actually.  The shoulder is on and off between ‘okay’ and ‘OMG i’m gonna die’ and then the buzz of all this wedding stuff has got me to the point where i cant even look at my CoG files without having a panic attack, and the second novel, well, lets just say i’m deleting more than i write atm.  😦  To be honest, i’m tired, i pushed myself very hard to get the sequel done for last year, and think i blew a fuse in the process.  I keep trying not to think about it, but i feel so bad, knowing everyone is waiting on me and i just cant write right now.  i don’t know how long it will last.  It’s already lasted longer than any dry spell i’ve ever had.  And i’ve literally tried everything t kick start it again, and with no results.  I’m so sorry guys.  😦


On the bright side, Tangled Paths will be out in a few months (i hope).  It will be out in eformat first, then in paperback.  I plan on having an open house release party/book signing–which means i’ll be posting a time and place for anyone to come and see me.  More details when i know them, and i do hope i can actually meet some of you wonderful fans face-to-face. ^_^


~j. leigh


…has gotten worse again.  I’m not certain if i can get in to see Dr anytime soon.  Silence to continue.

I’m sorry. 😦