Monthly Archives: November 2013


For reasons unknown, i have slipped lose the bicep tendon on my left side.  The pain of this is considerable, and the recovery time indeterminable.  i can only type with one hand, and even that is painful.  all neck movement is painful.  i will not be writing or answering any forum or fan questions— so please if other fans know the answers to any CoG types of things please assist any new readers for me.  thank you.

Some updates, changes, and possibilities.

So i’ve been line-editing Tangled Paths the last few weeks along with my lovely crew over at Red Adept.  It’s been a cool process, and i’m learning a lot.  Things are going on schedule and we might even release before the March 2014 date, but no promises.  I will let you guys know if we release early, though. 😉  Because Red uses an outside printer, the print books for Tangled Paths are going to run around the $20 rage, so keep that in mind.  Ebooks will of course be considerably cheaper, though i’ve not gotten an exact estimate yet, i’d assume well under $10.  I will also be purchasing books myself for fans to buy directly from me; these will all be signed.  😉 There’s also a good chance once Tangled Paths is released that i will begin attending conventions with my fellow Red Adept authors– if that is the case i will start posting dates and places so you guys can finally come visit, and i can thank you personally for all the great support.  ^_^


WW:U3 is getting picked at very slowly, but i try and add a little bit to it each week.  I’m in the middle of the high craft fair season, so a  lot of my free time has been spent working on jewelry and such to replace sold inventory.  The last show is on Dec 1rst, so after that i hope the regular writing times will pick up again.  On another note, it seems like a lot of ppl will be getting kittles for the holidays, as no ones really showed much interest in buying them. >.<; (we’ve only sold one)


So that it for now, though i will say there’s some other stuff in the works, but i’m not going to say what until i’m sure it will happen.  So hang onto your seats, folks, Way Walkers is just getting started.


j. leigh

KIttles for Sale!

That’s right, you’ve been asking for them, and now we’re officially accepting orders for custom-made kittles!  ^_^

Image  We’ve two types, the Stuffed Kittle (on top) and the Kittle Dolls (the gray in front).  Both are customizable, so we can change colors and fabric type to suit your ideas.  Kittle Dolls have a base price of $20 USD (PLUS shipping): this includes a stiff felt body with multiple textures for shell and belly, glass eyes and a plastic nose.  Stuffed Kittles base price is $45 USD (PLUS shipping): this includes a nice high quality soft felt body, a shell of soft fabric in another color/pattern, glass eyes, a plastic nose and a stitched mouth. You can add-in additional fabrics, a soft belly, fuzzy ears and a variety of customizations at additional cost: Just ask!

To order your custom kittle, email:

tell us which type, an what kids of customizations you want, as well as shipping information.  once we’ve settled on the design and shipping price has been confirmed, you will pay for your kittle and production will begin.  We won’t start work until payment is received–so feel free to inquire without pressure to buy.

We currently only accept paypal.  


We’ll also be posting ready-made kittles in the store section soon: Way Walkers Store Page